Academic Papers
Aschenbruck, T., Esterhuizen, T., Padmanabha, M., Streif, S. (2020). Sustainability Analysis of Interconnected Food Production Systems via Theory of Barriers. In: Bd. 53, S. 15765–15770. Available online
Baganz, GFM, Junge, R., Portella, MC, et al. (2021). The aquaponic principle — It is all about coupling. Reviews in Aquaculture; 00: 1– 13.
Buchholz, B., Cerdas, F., Juraschek, M., Herrmann, C. (2023). Life Cycle Assessment of circular symbiotic indoor food production systems: Challenges in the scope of definition. Procedia CIRP. 116. 510-515.
Büth, L., Juraschek, M.,Cerdas Marin, J. F., Herrmann, C. (2020). Life cycle inventory modelling framework for symbiotic and distributed agricultural food production systems. Procedia CIRP. 90. 256-261. 10.1016/j.procir.2020.01.097.
Dannehl, D., Schwend, T., Veit, D., Schmidt, U. (2021). Increase of Yield, Lycopene, and Lutein Content in Tomatoes Grown Under Continuous PAR Spectrum LED Lighting. Frontiers in Plant Science 12. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2021.611236.
Dannehl, D., Schwend, T., Veit, D., Schmidt, U. (2021). LED versus HPS Lighting: Effects on Water and Energy Consumption and Yield Quality in Lettuce Greenhouse Production. Sustainability, 13(15), 8651.
Dannehl, D., Kläring, H.-P., Schmidt, U. (2022). Light-Mediated Reduction in Photosynthesis in Closed Greenhouses Can Be Compensated for by CO2 Enrichment in Tomato Production. Plants, 10, 2808.
Dietze, V. & Feindt, P. (2022). Institutioneller Rahmen für modulare bio-basierte Produktionssysteme im urbanen Raum. Hemmnisse und Förderfaktoren für die Entwicklung und Implementierung. 10.22004/ag.econ.317060.
Dietze, V. & Feindt, P. (2023). Innovation systems for controlled-environment food production in urban contexts: a dynamic case study analysis of combined plant, fish and insect production in Berlin, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 21:1, DOI: 10.1080/14735903.2023.2166230
Dietze, V., Alhashemi, A. & Feindt, P. (2024). Controlled-environment agriculture for an urbanised world? A comparative analysis of the innovation systems in London, Nairobi and Singapore. In: Food Security,
Förster, N., Drilling, S., Ulrichs, U., Huyskens-Keil, S. (2023). Nutritional diversity in leaves of various amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) genotypes and its resilience to drought stress. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality, 96.
Gebauer, R., Shaw, C., Monsees, H., Lehmann, L., Rennert, B., Mráz, J., Kloas, W. (2020). Nitrogen recovery in a decoupled aquaponic system with lamellar settler and trickling biofilter: implications for system management with proposal for a new extended definition of aquaponics. Journal Cleaner Production. (submitted)
Geilfus, C. M., Zörb, C., Jones, J. J., Wimmer, M. A., & Schmöckel, S. M. (2024). Water for agriculture: more crop per drop. Plant biology (Stuttgart, Germany), 26(4), 499–507.
Herrmann, C., Büth, L., Juraschek, M., Abraham, T., Schäfer, L. (2020). Application of biological transformation to foster positive urban production. Procedia CIRP. 90. 2-9. 10.1016/j.procir.2020.02.138.
Hoesterey, S., Hemprich, C. J., & Onnasch, L. (2023). What drives the acceptability of a sustainable food production technology? Modeling psychological factors. Sustainable Production and Consumption.
Jezek, M., Allan, A., Jones, J., Geilfus, C.-M. (2023). Why do plants blush when they are hungry?. The New phytologist.
Jones, J.J., Huang, S., Hedrich, R., Geilfus, C.-M. and Roelfsema, M.R.G. (2022). The green light gap: a window of opportunity for optogenetic control of stomatal movement. New Phytol.
Jones, J.J., Shaw, C., Chen, T.-W., Staß, C., Ulrichs, C., Riewe, D., Kloas, W. & Geilfus, C.‐M. (2023). Plant nutritional value of aquaculture water produced by feeding Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) alternative protein diets: A lettuce and basil case study. Plants, People, Planet. 10.1002/ppp3.10457.
Khatib, M. A., Hempel, A.-J., Padmanabha, M., & Streif, S. (2022). Centralized optimization of resource routing in interconnected food production units with harvesting events*. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(7), 322–327.
Lindner, M., Beyer, N., Juraschek, M., Cerdas, F., Yakti, W., Ulrichs, C., Herrmann, C. (2024). Designing Natural User Interfaces in Virtual Reality: A Comparative Study of Text and Audio Task Instructions for Operator Training in Learning Factories. In: Thiede, S., Lutters, E. (eds) Learning Factories of the Future. CFL 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 1059. Springer, Cham.
Mauerer, M., Rocksch, T., Dannehl; D., Schuch, I., Mewis, I., Förster, N., Ulrichs, C. & Schmidt, U. (2023). Replacing mineral fertilizer with nitrified human urine in hydroponic lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) production. Sustainability 15, 10684.
Mennenga, M., Büth, L., Cerdas Marin, J. F., Herrmann, C. (2020). Synthetic emergence as a functional unit for the environmental assessment of a system of systems. Procedia CIRP. 90. 393-398. 10.1016/j.procir.2020.01.062.
Mempel, H., Jüttner, I., Wittmann, S. (2021). The potentials of Indoor Farming for plant production. Automatisierungstechnik 69 (4). S. 287-296.
Meyer, P., Förster, N., Huyskens‐Keil, S., Ulrichs, C., Geilfus, C‐M. (2021). Phenolic compound abundance in Pak choi leaves is controlled by salinity and dependent on pH of the leaf apoplast. Plant‐Environment Interactions. 2: 36– 44.
Padmanabha M., Kobelski A., Hempel A.-J., Streif S. (2023). Modelling and optimal control of growth, energy, and resource dynamics of Hermetia illucens in mass production environment. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (206),107649,
ISSN 0168-1699,
Padmanabha, M., Beckenbach, L., Streif, S. (2020). Model Predictive Control of a Food Production Unit: A Case Study for Lettuce Production. In:, Bd. 53, S. 15771–15776. Available online
Padmanabha, M., Kobelski, A., Hempel, A.-J., Streif, S. (2020). A comprehensive dynamic growth and development model of Hermetia illucens larvae. In: PLOS ONE. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239084.
Padmanabha, M., Streif, S. (2019). Design and Validation of a Low Cost Programmable Controlled Environment for Study and Production of Plants, Mushroom, and Insect Larvae. Applied Sciences 9 (23). DOI: 10.3390/app9235166.
Pinho, S., Leal, M.M., Shaw, C., Baganz, D., Baganz, G., Staaks, G., Kloas, W., Körner, O., Monsees, H. (2024). Insect-based fish feed in decoupled aquaponic systems: Effect on lettuce production and resource use. PLoS One 19(1):e0295811. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0295811.
Shaw, C., Knopf, K., Kloas, W. (2022). Fish Feeds in Aquaponics and Beyond: A Novel Concept to Evaluate Protein Sources in Diets for Circular Multitrophic Food Production Systems. Sustainability, 14, 4064.
Shaw, C., Knopf, K., Kloas, W. (2022). Toward Feeds for Circular Multitrophic Food Production Systems: Holistically Evaluating Growth Performance and Nutrient Excretion of African Catfish Fed Fish Meal-Free Diets in Comparison to Nile Tilapia. Sustainability, 14, 14252.
Shaw C., Knopf K., Klatt L., Marin Arellano G., Kloas W. (2023). Closing Nutrient Cycles through the Use of System-Internal Resource Streams: Implications for Circular Multitrophic Food Production Systems and Aquaponic Feed Development. Sustainability, 15(9):7374.
Shaw, C., Knopf, K., Roy, K., Ulrichs, C., Kloas, W. (2024). Animal versus plant protein sources in marine ingredient-free aquaponic diets: A case study on nutrient release, and retention of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) reared in RAS. Aquaculture. 584. 740641. 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2024.740641
Vollmer, A., Geilfus, C.M., Nerlich, A., Dannehl, D. (2022). Saving CO2 Emissions by Reusing Organic Growing Media from Hydroponic Tomato Production as a Source of Nutrients to Produce Ethiopian Kale (Brassica carinata). Sustainability 14, no. 18: 11263.
Waqas, M., Wang, L., Jones, J.J., Turetschek, R.J., Engelmeier, D., Geilfus, C.-M., Koch, M. (2023). Short-term phosphorus deficiency induces flavonoid accumulation in the lamina of pak choi: A finishing treatment that influences inner quality. In: Scientia Horticulturae 314, S. 111953. DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2023.111953.
Wittmann, S., Jüttner, I., Mempel, H. (2020). Indoor Farming Marjoram Production—Quality, Resource Efficiency, and Potential of Application. Agronomy 10 (11), S.1769.
Wittmann, S., Jüttner, I., Spence, M., Mempel, H. (2021). Indoor Vertical Farming: konsequente Weiterentwicklung des geschützten Anbaus. In: Frerichs, Ludger (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch Agrartechnik 2020. Braunschweig: Institut für mobile Maschinen und Nutzfahrzeuge. 2021. S. 1-15.
Wittmann, S., Jüttner, I., Mempel, H. (2022). Simplified energy modeling to investigate the effect of lighting strategies on the energy efficiency of container indoor farms Simplified energy modeling to investigate the effect of lighting strategies on the energy efficiency of container indoor farms. 10.5288/dgg-pr-10-02-sw-2021.
Wittmann, S., Jüttner, I. and Mempel, H. (2023). Fruit vegetables in indoor farming – potential of chili pepper production. Acta Hortic. 1369, 31-40. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1369.4
Wittmann, S., Jüttner, I. and Mempel, H. (2023). Pulsed light − optimal ratio between yield and energy reduction. Acta Hortic. 1369, 227-234. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1369.28
Yakti, W., Schulz, S., Marten, V., Mewis, I., Padmanabha, M., Hempel, A.-J., Kobelski, A., Streif, S., Ulrichs, C. (2022). The Effect of Rearing Scale and Density on the Growth and Nutrient Composition of Hermetia illucens (L.) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) Larvae. Sustainability, 14, 1772.
Yakti, W., Förster, N., Müller, M., Mewis, I., Ulrichs, C. (2023). Hemp Waste as a Substrate for Hermetia illucens (L.) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) and Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Rearing. Insects. 183. 10.3390/insects14020183.
Yakti, W., Müller, M., Klost, M., Mewis, I., Dannehl, D., Ulrichs, C. (2023). Physical Properties of Substrates as a Driver for Hermetia illucens (L.) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) Larvae Growth. Insects, 14, 266.
Yakti, W., Widjaja, E., Förster, N., Mewis, I., & Ulrichs, C. (2023). Evaluating the ability of desert locusts (Schistocerca gregaria) to grow when feeding on tomato leaves (Solanum lycopersicum) versus wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum). Journal of Insects as Food and Feed (published online ahead of print 2023).
Bilacon Presentation „Indoor Farming – ein Weg in die Zukunft!?“, Online Seminar, Nov. 24 2020.
2nd place MSE Symposium: Presentation on "Optimize efficiency - Indoor Farming" (by Sabine Wittmann), July 2020.
Wittmann, S., Mempel, H. (Vortrag DGG) – Steigerung der Energieeffizienz mit Fokus auf Belichtungsstrategien
Conference Contribution
24-25 May 2019, Baku, Azerbaijan; Khazar University
2nd International Conference ONE HEALTH: PROBLEMS & SOLUTIONS
(Christian Ulrichs, Christine Werthmann, Amir Gharibashgi, Uwe Schmidt, Dennis Dannehl & Inga Mewis)
Ensuring safe food supply systems through effective and responsible management of natural resources
more information on conference]