Subproject 3
Insects are one of the most promising ways to obtain high-quality protein sustainability with a small ecological footprint. The larvae of the soldier fly (Hermetia illuscens) are particularly rich in protein and therefore explicitly suitable as fodder in the mast. Insect proteins based on fly larvae are highly protein-rich and meet the nutritional-physiological demands of humans as well as of most carnivorous species of edible carnivore fish. These insect proteins are also ideal for poultry and pig fattening in metabolic physiology. In terms of conserving resources, feed based on insect larvae is therefore an optimal alternative to the fishmeal currently used in large quantities Subproject 3 aims to integrate the entire production cycle of Hermetiaproteins and fats into the modular CUBES Circle system. One of the research foci is on changing the nutritional composition of the fly larvae using specific process steps in such a way that they are optimally adapted to the nutritional requirements of the relevant fish species in the downstream FishCUBE, or to the nutritional requirements of humans.
Dr. Wael Yakti is a Biotechnologist with an MSc in entomology and a PhD in the area of plant-fungus interactions.
In CUBES Circle his work will focus on questions related to the InsectCUBE and on how it is linked to the other production units.
Contact: wael.yakti(at)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Ulrichs holds a doctorate in entomology and has worked as an entomologist for the Technical University of Munich, the US Department of Agriculture and the World Vegetable Center, among others. His work as a system analyst focused primarily on the development and evaluation of management systems for insect pests and systems for the production of beneficial insects. Further work dealt with the chemical ecology of selected insects on their natural host plants.
Contact: christian.ulrichs(at)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Kühne
Contact: stefan.kuehne(at)
Dr. Matthias Schöller is CEO of Biologische Beratung Prozell und Schöller GmbH.
Contact: bip(at)
Szu-Yun Chen graduated from National Taiwan University, department of Agricultural Chemistry. She is a Ph.D. student at the division of Urban Plant Ecophysiology at Thaer-Institute of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
In CUBES Circle her topic is “Exploiting Hermetia illucens and its byproducts as bioresources in plant protection”.
Contact: chen.szu-yun(at)
Other employees (cooperating or former): Annika Nerlich, Victoria Yarahmadi